Our strategy - value and choice

While we continue to develop our greeting cards offer to ensure we retain our UK leadership position, we have made significant headway in building sales across our gifts and celebration essentials categories, which is now our fastest growing area.

Leadership in card

We are focused on retaining our position as the UK’s leading provider of cards in a stable, low growth market.

We will achieve this by maintaining our value for money proposition while stretching the average selling price and delivering year-round relevant customer promotions. We continually develop our ranges in response to consumer trends (including diversity, sustainability and a wider breadth of celebratory captions). All of this while optimising customer choice with easy-to-shop curated cards to simplify and enhance the in-store experience.

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Our pricing strategy ensures the entry points remain unchanged while moving the price point of some cards to match the value customers apply to the occasion.

Authority in gifts and celebration essentials

We are successfully delivering on our strategy to become an authority in the gifts and celebration essentials markets. This is a considerable opportunity for cardfactory with an identified addressable UK market of c.£12 billion1. Over half of our sales are now from gifts and celebration essentials, with arange that offers both value for money own label ranges as well as well recognised footfall driving third party brands.


1. Source: Kantar Worldpanel Plus (Physical Retail) data to 52 w/e 22 January 2023, GlobalData Retail Occasions Series UK, Partyware 2022 & Whitecap Consulting Ltd September 2021.

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As we further expand the offer, we expect continued strong performance in confectionery, toys and party while exploring opportunities in other categories, supported by building awareness of cardfactory as a gifting retailer both in-store and online.